Sunday, January 27, 2013

HandMade: Pocket Shrug

Hello! So confession time! I'm not a huge follower of actually following patterns long enough to make whatever project I am creating. To be honest, I'd rather seen an image of an item, challenge it and  attempt to create my own interpretation of the piece. An inspired piece in other words. Yeah so this shrug was entirely inspired by this lovely item:
 So I stared at it for awhile and thought hmm...I got this. Designed the piece in a manner I could follow without losing interest and patience and kaboom here it is! I lost the  fringe, (which I might make another probably in a beige-y color)  and changed the lovely open pattern work.
And it all started from here! 


  1. :o are you going to release the pattern? It looks so dear!

    1. Why thank you! And Yes, I am planning to create a tutorial for this.
