Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DIY: The Crochet Early Snowfall Hat.

Hello there! Happy Tuesday to you. This free pattern is one that I went back and forth, trying to figure out what I truly wanted to make, so many ideas and I only bought one skein! Though to those who have been to a Michaels' lately would have seen the new line from Isaac Mizrahi craft. Truly gorgeous bits of yarn, I really wanted to grab them all and make everything out of them! Alas, I picked up a few skeins and this particular one, The Gramercy Park/Lexington style, I really wanted to make a hat out of it. Even though there is a pattern from the actual line on how to create one, (I think it can be found in stores?) I wanted to crochet a different kind of style, so here is the free pattern for this little dude!
>>19.00MM Crochet Hook
>>Isaac Mizrahi Craft (In Gramercy Park)
>> (Not shown/ Yarn Sewing Needle & Pom Pom maker)

Yarn Abbreviations:
HDC=Half Double Crochet
CH= Chain
SS= Slip Stitch
ST(S)= Stitch(es)
CH 3
Connect by SS and CH 1,
Row 1: HDC into each ST, Two times,
Connect by SS and CH 1.
Row 2: HDC in the first ST, One time.
HDC into the following ST, Two times.
(Repeat this method for the whole entire row around,
Connect by SS and CH 1.
Row 3: HDC in the first ST, One time.
HDC into the following ST, One time.
HDC into the third ST, Two times,
(Repeat this method for the whole entire row around,
Connect by SS and CH 1.
Row  4-7: HDC in all STS,
Connect by SS and CH 1, for the entire Rows set.
Row 8: SC the entire Row 8, connect by SS and secure the yarn, Cut and sew in the remaining yarn.

For the Side Flaps:
Connect the yarn to your hook, Insert hook on the both sides of the hat, (Individually) 7 STS apart.
HDC into 4 STS,
Turn work to Decrease the next Row by 1. (3)
Turn work to Decrease the next Row by 1 again. (2)
Turn work to Decrease the next Row by 1 once more. (1)
CH 10.
Cut a little bit of the yarn off, half an inch.
*Do this for both sides!
Pom Pom Making!
For Mini pom poms make two [Click here for instructions]
For a Large pom pom [Click here for instructions]

Mini Pom Poms
You will use the sew using the extra string on the end of the flaps, securing them using your yarn sewing needle.

Large Pom Pom
You will sew the pom pom, directly to the top of the hat, securing them using your yarn sewing needle.
Happy Crafting!
ashlee elle.


  1. Hi Ashlee -- this is Janet at Twisted Yarns in Spring, TX. I'd like to offer you a (paid) design opportunity based on this hat with yarn I will supply for you. I'd like to discuss the details if you could get in touch with me before the end of the week. Thank you!

    1. Hello Janet, Thank you for the acknowledgement, truly I would love the opportunity to design! My email is dreaminvintageshoppe@gmail.com.
      Thank you once again!
